Category Archives: Pregnancy and Birth

Birthing Her Buds

My peony is beginning to birth her buds.

Watching the buds open, I think of babies heads crowning out of their mothers’ bodies.

Birthing babies and buds share the amazing energy of creation.

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Still in Awe!

35 years since first photographing birth,  I’m still in awe of
women giving birth and babies being born.

Babe -fresh from her mother’s warm body-just several seconds old.
Breathing- reaching into her new world.
Mom and dad are newborns too-parents for the first time.
They gaze with first sight on their daughter-seeing-touching-feeling-
holding her earthly presence in their love and awe.

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Thoughts of First Home on Mother’s Day

Our first home was in the body of another. Mother Herself.

I love pondering that we are here on earth because women made space for us in their own bodies.

Becoming human in the alchemy of the womb, we abide in a magnificent abode, growing into our time to be born. Mothers make us all possible, with the awesome power of creation.

The Hebrew word for womb, rechem also means ‘compassion’; the German word for ‘hope’, hoffnung also relates to pregnancy. We are born from blessed space.

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Women in perfect progress

I love the title of a wonderful poem, ” A woman in perfect progress”. It reminds me of birthing women.

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Brought to Earth by Birth

“Birth is the experience of a lifetime.
Giving birth and being born brings us
into the essence of creation where the
human spirit is courageous and bold and
the body, a miracle of wisdom.”

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Mona Lisa Pregnant?

Mona Lisa holds our gaze. The mystery of her private smile compels us to wonder. We are drawn to an essence older by far than Leonardo da Vinci’s sixteenth century painting.

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