Author Archives: Harriette Hartigan

Birth is as Safe as Life Gets


Being with the immense reality of birth
as photographer and midwife
affirms for me
Women know how to give birth!
Babies know how to be born!

This spiral is created from photographing
woman in labor, her body
strong and profound.

Read more on Birth is as Safe as Life Gets…

Pasture Perfect

She just gave birth minutes ago, and licks amniotic fluid
from her newborn’s body.

I walk toward mother and babe, through high pasture grass.
Morning clouds soften the sun and mountains surrounding
San Rafael Valley, near Patagonia AZ.

Read more on Pasture Perfect…

View from the Womb





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~life worthy of our sight~

Images and Ideas

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy reading the ideas and feasting your eyes on the images contained in the following posts. I really enjoy creating them! ~ Harriette Hartigan

Read more on Images and Ideas…

Breastfeeding: Delicious Beauty

 Exquisite giving and receiving nourishment ~ from one body to another.



Mom and babe sharing the loving grace of emotional and physical harmony.



Breast and mouth sculptured in a delicious beauty of touch and taste.


Read more on Breastfeeding: Delicious Beauty…

I do believe I midwifed a snapping turtle.

She was sitting in the street near my neighbor’s house,
pausing on her slow walk, woods and wetlands a block away.
Folks gathered, gazing at turtle and wanting to protect her from passing cars.

Read more on I do believe I midwifed a snapping turtle….

Birthing Her Buds

My peony is beginning to birth her buds.

Watching the buds open, I think of babies heads crowning out of their mothers’ bodies.

Birthing babies and buds share the amazing energy of creation.

Read more on Birthing Her Buds…

Still in Awe!

35 years since first photographing birth,  I’m still in awe of
women giving birth and babies being born.

Babe -fresh from her mother’s warm body-just several seconds old.
Breathing- reaching into her new world.
Mom and dad are newborns too-parents for the first time.
They gaze with first sight on their daughter-seeing-touching-feeling-
holding her earthly presence in their love and awe.

Read more on Still in Awe!…

Midwifery Metaphors

The Midwifery Way  is abundant in daily life,  even beyond the profound care  for women giving birth and babies being born.

Midwifery  guides with skill and expertise,  attending and trusting women’s
abilities and strengths.  Supporting possibilities and challenges.

Read more on Midwifery Metaphors…

Laboring Thoughts~~~

With the grace of mysterious timing,
pregnancy ends and birth begins.
We do not understand what starts the dynamic process of labor,
yet the wisdom of two bodies, mother and babe know.

Read more on Laboring Thoughts~~~…